The memories and documented imagery of reindeer herding and nomadic ways of life mix with the contemporary herding of reindeers in Dolos Niegut – Ancient dreams, an experimental video to a track by Ánnámáret (yoik), Ilkka Heinonen (jouhikko) and Turkka Inkilä (electronics) from the album Nieguid duovdagat.
How we perceive our everyday life affects our views as well as our imagination, our hopes and dreams. The lives connected to other beings, in this case the reindeer and how the Sámi people have lived in relation to it as well as our dependency with our environment, is present in this work. In this yoik, Ánnámáret also reaches to imagine how our predecessors perceived this world and what may remain of them in the currents of the time that we live in and in the ways we function in it. The video is part of a continuum of video works made in collaboration with Viitahuhta, Ánnámáret, Heinonen and Inkilä.
Credit List
- Directed and edited by: Marja Viitahuhta
- Filmed by: Marja Länsman, Vesa Länsman, Anna Näkkäläjärvi-Länsman (Ánnámáret),
- Music performed and arranged by: Ánnámáret (vocals), Ilkka Heinonen (jouhikko), Turkka Inkilä (electronics)
- Archive footage from the film ”Finland: Life in Lapland” from year 1938, source: A/V Geeks / Internet archive
- Yoik composition and lyrics: Ánnámáret
- Music produced by: Turkka Inkilä
- Music mixed by: Kaj Mäki-Ullakko
- Music mastered by: Jaakko Viitalähde
- Music track from album: Ánnámáret: Nieguid duovdagat
- Music published by: Uksi Productions
- Video production: Ánnámáret
- Thank you: Families and loved ones, Tomi Vartiainen, Saami council, Sámi Education Institute, Saami parliament of Finland
- This work has been created with funding from: Arts Promotion Centre Finland and Alfred Kordelin Foundation
Dološ niegut has been exhibited / screened in:
- Animated Live, St. Croix, FAF – Fredrikstad Animation Festival, Fredrikstad, Norway, 20.10.2023
- Maoriland Film Festival, 15. – 19.3.2023
- Sámi Film Festival, Scandinavian House, New York & National Nordic Museum, Seattle, 9.2. – 12.2.2023
- Duovdagat, Titanik, Turku, 24.–29.1.2023
- Skabmagovat, Inari, 27.1. – 6.2.2022
A preview of Dološ niegut can be watched at the archive of AV-Arkki or below via Ánnámáret’s youtube channel
Dološ niegut can also be watched in its entirety (until end of 2024) via Yle Areena.
A review by Helsingin Sanomat